Birth Story:
The Monday before my induction I went in to my last check and and to have my membrane sweep to try and get things moving along. This worked with Alex the first time but took forever and I still had to go in for my induction and have pitocin the whole time. Alex's labor was very hard... and I was praying this one would go well.
I went in, in the afternoon and everything check out I was dilated to over 3cm, 90% effaced and baby was -1 station. She did the membrane sweep and it didn't feel so wonderful.. but then again it wasn't suppose to. Luckily John went with me and was able to drive us to lunch at Tommy's Burger. About 15 min later I started to have contractions, I was uncomfortable but not too bad. We ate, I called my friend Rachel (who did my birth photography she's amazing BTW) and her partner and my other friend Crystal to update them. John and I then went shopping for the last few thing and I went home to relax. At about 5 I picked up Alex from my friend Jami who was watching him and hung out with her when I started to feel really really bad. I was nauseous and light headed and lucky John was coming home early to hang out with us. We were suppose to go see Toy Story 3 but I had a feeling that was out of the question.
Alex and I left Jami's and went home to find John waiting for us. I laid down on the couch while the boys went to go get food and started to feel REALLY sick. I called JOhn telling him he had to come home because I didn't think I could take it much longer and wasn't able to time contractions because I was once again having back labor. Once he got home I called John's mom to have her sister (John's Aunt) come over to help watch Alex. Luckily she was able to and we headed to the hospital. It was about 7pm then and when we got there they check me in right away.
I got all hooked up and checked and hadn't actually made an progress. I was SO bummed, they gave me a little over an hour to see if I would make progress and John and I sat back and talked. I was contracting about every 8-10 mins and we were joking of how stupid it was they wouldn't just admit me and I'd have to get up at like 6am the next day to be induced.. Well when they came back to check me, and noticed I'd made progress. I was fully effaced, dilated to over a 4 and Nick was engaged. WOO HOO! I was being admitted to have a baby at 9pm! My contractions really started to pick up then, and things started to move along.
By 10 I got an epidural because I was getting uncomfortable.. this was the part I was worried about. With Alex my epidural only worked on half my body and i had a horrible delivery. This time it was amazing... I was numb but not too numb and I felt great. Only bad side was my blood pressure bottomed out at one point because I wasn't laying on my side. But after that everything went smoothly! At 11pm I was dilated to a 6 and they decided to break my water to move things along. It's funny because it took them 10 mins to break my water, they had such a hard time because the sac was so tough (they said that was a good thing). It was kinda a weird situation because it was a male doctor helping (I'm all about my OB she's amazing and we know her personally). Finally it broke and everything stalled. Awesome.
I was so upset because I was so ready to have this little guy! I had finally called Rachel to show up to be here to do the birth pictures and I was sitting at a 6! Yikes! It was about 1245am then and they decided to give me some pitocin to see if it'd give me an end kick. I had the pitocin for about 10 maybe 15 mins and right around 120am I was complete. Seriously that fast I couldn't believe it! I then waited for my doctor to get there and to start pushing. It was intense and exhausting but so worth it because at 1:59am Nicholas Anthony Ferguson was born!
He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 19.5 inches long and had a head full of thing hair :) I am SO lucky to know such an amazing photographer and friend that documented my birth. Here is a video/slide show with the images. :D
Here is the link:
I cry every time I watch the video, the song everything is perfect! My birth experience was amazing with Nick and having the pictures to watch make me want another baby already! I came home about 24 hours later and it was SO nice to be home! The entire time after Nick was born he maybe spent 2 hours in the nursery. He was so wonderful and slept the entire time and cuddled I just couldn't send him away!
I've been breastfeeding exclusively for 2 months now with NO problems, other than getting thrush but no big deal. Nick has been a great eater and is doing wonderful. Alex adores him and loves helping in every way. He loves holding his brother and giving him kisses. I feel so blessed to have such beautiful boys.
We also did 4 days on newborn pictures. I have so many different poses and styles it's crazy.. I thought I'd post my favorites, I still have my own to edit but haven't had time so here are some from Rachel and Crystal. :)

Ok that was more than a few but seriously I couldn't pick just a few. He was an amazing model and baby! I mean seriously how do you pick your favorites?
Now he's two months old and teething just like his brother did. Really where did the time go? I'm so sad! Now I need to post images of Nick's nursery cause i think I did a pretty awesome job and then print some huge canvas prints to stick of him all over the place!
Here is a recent family picture of the two boys aren't they adorable?

I'm now working on my photo biz and getting ready to rent a studio space and re-vamp everything. I am SO excited! And will be working more! Thanks for hanging around and reading all this. I promise to update more frequently!