Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm Twwweoo!

That's Alex's way of saying he's two. I seriously can't believe I'm even writing this post.. where did 2 years go so fast? I mean really, I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday and it's so unreal to me that now he's grown so much and gotten so big. I will say this, Alex has been a huge blessing in our lives. He brings so much joy and excitement and has such an amazing happy spirit. Even when John or I are having a not so great day he always seems to make it better and knows exactly how to cheer John and I up!

I will admit I haven't had much time to plan for his party. I actually feel really bad because I've been so busy with other stuff!! But his party is today and we invited the whole family that live around us and a bunch of his friends! He's got some pretty cool toys to open, and I will admit we're even ready for Easter around here! Long story short while I was out of town John bought Alex a bunch of birthday stuff not realizing I bought him stuff too :) So his basket is full, all we are missing is chocolate and eggs!

Alex's Accomplishments in the last few months...

-He's developed a VERY large vocabulary in the last few weeks and is saying things and repeating us all the time!!
-He likes to help out around the house.. feed the dog, put dishes in the dish washer, and sweep the floor (which isn't the best but hey I will take what I can get!!)
-Open/Closing all doors, climbs on everything and gets what he wants when he wants. (climbs in the pantry for "cookiees")
-Brushes his teeth pretty well by himself, he even reminds me when it's time!
-Starting to put his clothes on with less help and likes to pick his "outfets" out.
-Has an opinion about everything! And defiantly has no problem announcing it."nu uh.. uh huuh.. oh yea"
-Is much more independent in things he likes to do, especially eating, cleaning up, and quiet time.
-Very curious about the potty... but we haven't gone there quite yet. Even taking the diaper off!!
-Loves sports already and everything about throwing, catching and dunking <-- daddy loves this one :)
-Talks about the animals and different thing they say, along with greeting them. (moo, woof, bahkak, ooink)
-Is completely obsessed with his "choo choo" he lives for that thing!
-He's a very outgoing to people (which is sometimes scary) he always wants to talk to and play with kids and adults he sees!
-Has a ridiculous good memory and never seems to forget when we tell him "latar" or in a "leetle bit"
-Enjoys going up and down the stairs and thinks he's a "beeg boie" for being able to!
-Knows most of his body parts like "nose, eayah, foot" and what we do with them

And it could go on.. seriously are they suppose to be this much older and more developed at JUST two. Where did my baby go... :( it just feels so weird to think that he's getting big and changing more every day!

My favorite is that I can really understand him, I'm pretty sure I'd loose my mind otherwise. His enunciation amazes me, it definitely makes him sound more grown up!

But I love making this day the best and most special day ever, because it's something Alex's doesn't have to share. It's his day :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


It's been a really really long time since I blogged. Now being almost 3 months behind I have SO much to update, I want to make this short and sweet without making it too long. And excuse the photos, they're from facebook and our phones. All my gear is packed up for my trip :)

He really loves trains, it's so cute

December flew by and Christmas came and went and Alex got spoiled AS USUAL. He got so much "choo-choo" stuff he didn't know what to do with himself. He plays with everything amazingly but I'm sure if you came down into or movie/play room you'd be appalled at how many toys a 2 year old ONLY CHILD has. I just remind people he will soon have a sibling :) in which he will get to share with. John and I also went to Phoenix for a week and it was so nice to get away from the frigid weather!

His favorite thing to do when we go to Ikea

He loves to kick back and watch a movie in the car

January was an exciting month for us, we found out we were having another BOY! I would of announced sooner but they weren't quite sure until recently. Can I just say how excited I am?? I really wanted a girl before we started trying.. and to be honest when I was pregnant I knew I'd be happy with either. It kept ringing in my brain that another boy would be wonderful and then when we went in we got the news!! We're so excited to have to boys to be brothers. Alex will make a wonderful big brother!!

More train riding while shopping in Dallas, anytime we see one we must ride!!

This is a picture of the the over 10 inches of snow we got in DALLAS. Which I got to drive home in from Houston.. so not fun!

February was my big trip to Dallas/Houston! I spent over 2 weeks there and had a ball. By a ball I mean I ended up shipping 10 boxes home from things I bought! It was like a mini Christmas all over again! I got to see family in Houston which was so nice since I have missed them all! John and I had an amazing V-day weekend with him flying down and us having the weekend to ourselves with no babies and a trip to the NBA All Star game he'd been talking about for weeks. It was a blast. I miss my family so much already but we were definitely ready to be home!

My son Mickey, he's been wearing his ears non stop and talking all about "Mickee" and hinting another trip to Disneyland to Daddy

March feels even bigger and busier! Alex is turning 2, and boy by the looks of it you'd think he was 3! I'm behind on planning his birthday but it will be a train party for sure! He already has an idea of what he is getting since we had him "test it out" and he's pretty excited about it! My little man is getting so big and growing up to fast for me now. He's got about a 65 word vocab (is that sad I keep count??) and using small sentences now daily. I feel like every day he learns at least 5 new words and whether he remebers them or not he sure likes to repeat them to me! He's really good at enunciating and is pretty understandable which makes life some what easier. He's mastered walking up and down the stairs, asks a ton of questions, and doing so much more. Maybe I'll have an excuse to post again with all the things he's doing and him turning 2!

When he wants to read, there is no stopping him! He'd read for hours if I let him!

I leave for Vegas for a large Photography convention this weekend, and get a 6 day no Alex or John time. Something I am sure will be fun, but I know I'll miss my boys so much!! John then leaves for a whole week to Phoenix, and I'm fighting the urge to go down with him to enjoy some nice weather!!

April and May are going to be more traveling and really getting ready for this kiddo! All the large purchases have pretty much been made except for making the very difficult decision on a double stroller! I just don't feel rushed this time around, but I am glad I decided on furniture, and a REALLY nice glider since we lived in ours with Alex. But things as far as decorating have been slow, I don't feel rushed to paint and set up his room, or reorganize. I can say this though, I've realized that I non-stop nest. Regardless of baby or not I'm a clean freak! I can't help it.. my house never feels clean!

I've also become obsessed with etsy. It's addictive, and I can't even explain how much I love to shop on there. It's like ebay on crack for me without the bidding! It's given me all kinds of ideas to decorate the baby's room and do some fun things with Alex's. I wish I could sew and learn how because there are so many fun things to make and do! I guess for now I'll be paying others to do it for me :)

Here I am 6 months pregnant! I really don't feel small at all!

We also decided on a name for little one. Nicholas Anthony Ferguson.. he'll be here Mid-June and I have to go in and get my due date fixed since they've moved it up and plan on inducing me. Yippeee!! It'll feel good to have a date and be able to be prepared!

Anyways that sums it all up. I really hope to blog more... I've been bad and I should keep it going for the few that read and don't have facebook!!