Wednesday, December 17, 2008

9 months Old

Well we're getting close and closer to a year old and it's just kinda weird for me to be honest. I remember Alex all small and tiny (even though it didn't last long AT ALL) and how I use to snuggle him and admire him. I still do that but it's not that easy when he's this HUGE baby monster in my arms! It still so amazing that this year has flown by for me, I feel like it's going by so fast that I won't remember all the wonderful things he's done. Alex is bigger and crazier than ever, it's like the kids hopped up on sugar and wants to run wild around this place.

^^^The new big thing going on

New Accomplishments

-Crawling everywhere and following us around the house
-7th tooth has FINALLY cut, please pray for me the 8th will soon
-Throws fits because he wants to communicate so badly (not a fun one for us)
-Can say "Ma Muh" for sure, and a little bit of "Dah Dah" I think, I'm still trying to figure that one out (someone owes me know who you are)
-Has discovered the stairs and scaring the pants off of Mommy
-Upon discovering the stairs pulled himself into standing position (kid never ceases to amaze me)
-Still eating me out of house and home..

Here's a better picture with his face.

He's a little surprised I caught a picture of him lol. I feel like the times are going by so fast and I can't believe he's standing now! Even though he's still in the beginning stages, I really thought I'd more time to relax but it all looks like a far and distant dream. Soon enough the little booger will be walking and I'll be running after him!

I still wish I could still freeze time.

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