Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ughh... is all I can say.

So I don't know how long this will be, and you are about to understand why..

The last few days have been HORRIBLE. And when I say horrible I mean, John and I both got the stomach flu.. and who had it worse? Me of course.. and I had it so bad I should of gone to the ER. I'll spare you the gruesome details because I know all of you know what the stomach flu is and what it's all about but let's just say I more or less lost 5 pounds because I wasn't keeping anything down and I wanted to honestly die. And I mean when I say ER I should of been there, and the only thing that was stopping me was Alex.. cause it was 12am and I wasn't going to screw his schedule up for the life of myself. Luckily John my wonderful husband took care of me and left early from work the next day to take care of Alex. He also got sick but by the time he did I was getting better so of course I returned the favor. He's so awesome for helping take care of me, every time I've ever needed him he never seems to fail me to help out in any way possible.

But who doesn't need help when you have a little maniac doing this all over the house?

Told you I wasn't joking.. the kid always proves me wrong. We've decided to buy him a jump rope and other stuff to shake so he doesn't electrocute himself. That's all I need is fried baby for Christmas. Oh and he's already attacking the bare Christmas tree. And please thank my husband for the lovely commentary because yes I had to catch him crawling a few times before I got it right, but like they say practice makes perfect!

We thought Alex was catching the flu too and it turns out he did, he seemed to handle it a whole lot better that us because every time he had the "nasties" he got a bath, which he has grown to love more than his toys... well almost. But on top of the flu, he sure is a little grumpy because not only does he have his 7th tooth coming, he has his 8th. Yes DO feel sorry for me, because if it were you I'd definitely feel bad. When they both finally cut he will have his 4 top and 4 bottom front teeth and next are molars. WOO HOO, what a trip that will be.

In other news we were suppose to do Christmas decorations this weekend, but since we were both sick we'll be waiting for FHE tomorrow to even start to attempt. My feelings on the whole thing is I don't really buy a whole lot of decorations because I don't find a need to until we buy our own home. Now don't think the whole place is blank, but I don't want the place packed full of stuff when I'm already cramped in this place. (And it's a great excuse to borrow my lovely mother-in-laws extra goodies.. nudge nudge mom) Oh and I shouldn't really talk because Halloween is FOR SURE covered since I couldn't help but watch John spend countless of hours at every Halloween store in town the last year or two, and becoming "best buds" with the owners. I'm hoping to buy a house by the end of next year, it depends on a few things such as if the right place is up for sale, if we are staying in Utah, when/where I start school, and if I preggers.

Oh and lets talk about presents, Santa has sure got my list this year! I never really have much to ask for since I always seem to get what I want.. wink wink! But I always get surprised with stuff I begged for and John said heck no! (I HATE surprises) hehehe But I got Alex a TON of stuff.. and it was all 50% off or more.. go ahead and say it, I'm amazing I know. And these are not like used, or old toys they're stuff everyone would want a deal on. I should really start posting about them cause you all deserve these great deals. But wrapping, I'm honestly the worst gift wrapper ever. David & Rae thank goodness you're receiving your gift in the mail.. and William.. Uncle John wrapped yours because if I would of done it you'd probably be swallowed in paper. I'm horrible at wrapping and am boycotting taking pictures of all the gifts until they're open! Oh and next year John gets wrapping duty dang it! Poor John thinks I do an amazing job, he always seems to make me feel good cause I'm a newbie to Christmas.. I really suck at decorating the tree too. It was kinda hideous last year. I need tips people PLEASE! All of your trees look amazing and I don't know where to start! I know this is last minute notice with us doing it tomorrow but I need to buy new stuff HELP!

Oh! AND DUH!! Gosh I feel dumb I went to Kirstie's Bridal Shower!! It was SOO cute and so fun, and thanks Kirstie for inviting me I love spending time with you and I am SO excited you're getting married! Especially to Brad his is a very cool, and nice guy btw! But the shower was so much and I showed up super fashionably late because Alex started to get sick about the time I needed to be there.

I loved all the gifts she got, it was more a lingerie theme which was a great idea!! Who doesn't love that stuff?!

Ok so this picture was totally priceless Brittany came up with a game for Brad to answer questions about himself and Kirstie and every time Kirstie got it wrong she had to stuff a Peep in her mouth.. haha lets just say she really doesn't have a big mouth! I wish I would of had more pictures but I got to caught up in it all! I had a TON of fun even though I was getting over sick I was so glad I could be there!

Ok.. well I'm going to get some things done and go to bed cause tomorrow will be a long day of chasing Alex around, praying he doesn't kill the tree and entertaining him. Oh wait and probably more errands as usual =]

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