Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh geeez.

Life around here hasn't been to wild or crazy since I'm learning to cope with my child who is a complete mischievous little monster. Alex really has become more of a little mischievous monster than ever lately. He's decided that when we take a shower now he needs to get in with us, clothes and all. It's cute at first because he pulls the curtain and plays peek-a-boo and gives you funny faces until whoever is in the shower starts to get cold. But that's not the end of it, he then pulls the curtain all the way to the end, exposing the entire shower and yourself in it. And he's now learning how to get in, he'll try and hop in with us which is more of a hassle than fun.

Doesn't that look like the face of a baby up to no good? This is the face we're getting all the time now.

I've been trying to get a bunch of things accomplished around here lately, I've been looking at classes for photography that I'm interested in. Trying to start a new blog which is kind of interesting, and also I'm actually trying to plan a fun valentine's day for us and get started on plans for Alex's birthday.. even though it's a month or two down the road. Can you tell I'm excited? John has been working hard and doing what he does best being an amazing salesman, and on top of that helping out around the house (amazing isn't it?) and still finding time to spend tons of times with Alex and I. Oh, and still teaching Alex things he doesn't need to be learning to do yet and causing more of a headache for me. I swear that kid is a fast learner.. I think he got that one from me!

And after a few weeks of John bragging about his phone, and me slowly realizing that I could use anything to check my emails and instant message without a computer my son is able to attack I broke down and got a Blackberry, Here it is.. my second hand man who helps solve any issues I have. I can't believe I just said that. If I don't know if I am spelling a word right I can check, and if I can't find a measurement for something I'm cooking I look it up. It's honestly a great investment and after selling my LG Dare I made 50 bucks back on the whole thing. Now who doesn't like a bargain for something they really want? I'm glad I got it over an iPhone because knowing me I'd be racking up tons of money on songs and games on that thing. And who doesn't want to get on facebook via cell phone!

David and Rachel came in town for a week and all of us got to spend time together. It was so nice to spend time with them since it'd been awhile since we'd seen them last. Rachel and I got to go shopping all day for baby stuff and find her some cute maternity clothing, which I actually would wear even if I wasn't pregnant! We all ate at Wingers (because Dave is obsessed with the place) And of course we had to play board games like Apple to Apple which I can brag that I won! And we played Spazz which I've never played and ended up with a sore forehead and a migraine! But it was good to see them and catch up, it makes me want to travel to see family more often. And of course the one time I have my camera and I take almost no photos while they were here.

Dave becoming a Blackberry fanatic..

All of us after playing Spazz, can't you tell they're all worn out? =]

Alex was way to excited to be able to be part of all the game excitement. That and watch us make fools of ourselves..lol.

This was funny even though the lighting was horrible and it's blurry it was almost like Alex was telling everyone he was going to conquer the stairs and nobody could stop him.. boy was that true. He practices daily.. only under supervision of course.

The weather here was starting to worry me because we weren't actually getting any snow. I normally could careless because I hate snow but since family is coming up here to spend time with us and go skiing/snowboarding I was hoping it'd get colder and snow again. Low and behold after wondering what the deal was we finally got dumped on once again. The weather here always finds a way to surprise me.


  1. i LOVE that your updating your blog again, i feel so out of touch with out it!! i think i'm coming up the 2nd week of february and i want to hang out!

  2. I just tried to post a comment and it didn't work!

    I love your new header! That picture of ALex sitting while you and Johnny are kissing in the background is way cute!

    I love your new phone and the story about Alex and the showers.

    I would love to take a class on photography- good for you! Teach me everything you learn okay!:)

    I am glad you had fun with Dave and Ray! I haven't played spaz for years!

  3. Alex's face in the bathtub picture is exactly the face Mads has been making. Those two could get into all kinds of trouble together! Your new background is very cute and I am excited to hear about your new blog!

  4. what a great update! And I love the new backgroud! What is with this new blog? What is it about and when are you sending out a link? Sending hugs... keep warm! xoxo

  5. You can even check your email on the toilet, you know...
