Ok, so I don't even know where to start. I have so much to write about, with my first experience flying with a baby, Hurricane Ike, and my amazing trip to Dallas. I guess it all really started when my cousin called me a week before I left to tell me we have to get something set so I could fly out and see everyone. We had been talking about it for a few weeks, but with the move up in the air and me running around like a chicken with it's head cut off we could never set an exact date. The day of our move we finally set it all in stone and I don't think I could of been more excited. I actually think it made the move a whole lot more bearable and actually made the days go by a whole lot faster.
All the sudden it was Sunday night and I was barely packed and trying not to be COMPLETELY nervous about how Alex would take the whole experience. I went to bed at 2AM (not realizing the time) and got up at 3AM trying to get dressed, feed a baby, and yes finish packing. I'm a complete procrastinator when it comes to packing, that and I always pack way to much unnecessary items. Well I finally got everything together and John and I got on our way to the airport. Well we're always about an hour early (which is usually more than plenty of time) and considering it was a 6AM flight (yes I picked the time, you'll understand why later) I kept thinking no one was going to really be flying that early. Especially since I've flown out of SLC airport at that time before and it was always empty. Well I get there and start panicking, they had two people checking-in bags and there was a line of about 20 people waiting. It was so bad, and then I actually said a fast little prayer and all the sudden another man starts helping check bags in and starts asking for everyone for the 6AM flight to DFW. I was so excited that I almost flew to the desk to get my bags check-in! Alex and I gave our quick, but loving goodbyes to John and rushed to security to be checked and then literally RAN with an umbrella stroller, car seat, a diaper bag, and an at least 22 pound baby to my gate. I made it with about 5 minutes to spare and got a whole row to myself in the back with Alex... here comes the worrying.

I had been trying to prepare myself all week about how this might go.I had heard great stories and nightmares about babies and flying and I was honestly expecting a complete nightmare. I actually picked the 6AM flight just because Alex usually sleeps until 9 or 10 and I thought I'd get lucky and he'd sleep through the whole trip. Alex slept the entire car ride to the airport and until I took him out of his car seat to go through security. But now he was wide awake looking around everywhere and trying to grab everything in reach. I had the bottle ready, toys, blanket and everything and even had the Tylenol just in case he decided to through a fit. Well I wish I wouldn't of lost sleep over all the worry because once the plane engines turned on he was out like a light. He was out so hard that I even picked him up to check his diaper and he didn't budge. He slept the whole flight and didn't wake up until I got off the plane and put him in his stroller. He was so comfortable he felt the need to kick back and really relax.
The first things I thought about when I got off the plane was "oh my freaking gosh it's so humid, I definitely don't miss this", I need a red bull before I pass out, and I can't believe I tried to stay awake the entire plane ride because I thought Alex was going to freak out. My new "cousin-to-be" picked me up and took me over to my grandmother who was more than excited to see me. I have to confess that I am extremely close to my extended family. I grew up with everyone a part of my life and we were always spending time together. If there was a word that could mean closer than family that would be us. I'm the youngest of all 5 of us cousins (I have such a big family can't you tell) and I was the first to have the great-grandchild. My grandmother who we call "Bubby" (which is Yiddish for grandmother) lived through the Holocaust with my grandfather and never thought she would see the day to see her first great-grandchild. She's had an extremely tough year this year and she's made sure she wasn't going anywhere until she saw her great-grandson. I've honestly never seen someone so happy in my entire life.

I spent everyday over there so she could enjoy every moment of Alex possible. He loved rolling all around her floor, smiling, sitting-up, and trying to do some new interesting things. (My next blog entry will explain)

He loved being with my cousin, who I've never seen even touch a baby (and who also does AMAZING hair.. and did mine while I was there)! They got along from the start and Josh started to call him "Pooter" (for the obvious reasons) and that's when the nicknames started. Everyone seemed to give him his own nickname. I now find myself calling him them, like "Boychick", "Shtunk", and other things in Yiddish that I'm not I'm not going to try to sound out and spell. But it was so funny how everyone found their own name for him and how they've kinda stuck with him.

Alex LOVED my aunt, who is pretty much my 2nd mother.. she's also one of Alex's grandmothers and was more than thrilled to be able to see him. I think she probably would of tried to keep him in Dallas forever if she knew she could get away with it! hehe We stayed with her while I was in Dallas and it was honestly so much fun, I'm able to relate with her so well. She's always been there for me and is honestly one of the most amazing women I know, but I will admit that her great since of style rubbed off onto me and is the reason I love nice things such as shoes, clothes and accessories.

I was also able to go see a lot of my friends form high school and one person in particular who has always been one of my good friends. Christina and her mom have always been there for me and done so much to help me in the past, and they have been dying to see me and Alex for forever. He had SO much fun with them, and we found out how much he LOVES dogs. He's been grabbing and playing with everything lately, and when something that actually moved and was about the same size of him he got so excited. He couldn't get enough of their dogs! Every time we see a fog now he gets so excited and starts reaching for it.

But Alex did a WHOLE lot of one thing while we were in Dallas, he slept. He slept so much I honestly started to get worried, I know jet lag can last a few days but it got to the point where Alex slept 12 hours at night and took 4 naps a day. He slept so much I felt like most of my pictures were of him sleeping!

It's ok though now that I think about it, he's going thru another growth spurt, and I felt a lot better when I spoke with the doctor to make sure I wasn't going nuts. He's still been doing it since we got home, and I can't complain. I seem to be getting a lot more accomplished with him napping all the time. I know it won't last forever, but it's definitely great while it last and he's just so much fun to watch when he wakes up.
I even had tons of family to help babysit! (Another reason I think moving back to Dallas is such a good decision!!) My "cousin-to be" Melissa was dying to babysit. Her and my cousin Brad are getting married in a few weeks and they both can't wait to be parents. Well her more than him, because anytime Bubby handed Alex over to Brad he didn't know what to do. But Melissa couldn't get enough, I think she's going to be a great mom! I can't wait to be back there in a few weeks to see the wedding I know it's going to be beautiful. It's going to be a traditional Jewish wedding, which are always so much fun! Alex loved playing with their dogs too, Tony and Sammy and would of probably asked to take them home if he could of asked them!

The trip back was a whole different story though, I had no idea Hurricane Ike was headed towards us and I was up so late Friday dealing with the airport trying to figure out whether or not my flight was cancelled, and worrying about my family in Houston, Beaumont and Louisiana. Especially since my step-grandfather had just passed away and most of my father's family was down there trying to help my grandmother cope. Watching the news and seeing all the damage and all the people trapped scared the pants off of me! Everyone ended up being ok and no one had to much damage to their homes. It's so crazy because I remember getting the end of a hurricane in Dallas before and having the nasty rain and wind but it feels like I've totally forgotten what it's like. They ended up canceling all the flights to Chicago and mine ended up running on time, I got to the airport about an hour and a half early worrying if that was enough time and I show up and the check-in desk was dead.. there was no line and the same goes for security. So Alex and I walked around for awhile and I decided to buy a Dallas T-shirt and The Host by Stephanie Meyer since everyone is telling me to read it.

I tried to buy Alex a shirt but they were all sold out, but I shouldn't complain because I came home with probably 10 extra pounds of stuff my family bought for he and I. We were the first to get on the plane and I actually asked to be put by the engines again which was a completely smart idea because once we took off.. he was out like a light. He didn't wake up once and I was able to read my book and mingle with a few people I met on the plane. Alex finally woke up after we landed and as we walked to baggage claim he spotted someone immediately. He saw John and got so excited, it was so adorable and such a priceless moment. He got mad SO mad we had to put him in his car seat as we waited for my luggage with the million other people crowding around. John grabbed my luggage and we noticed it was destroyed, I know some off it was definitely my fault because I crammed the bag so tight full, and the wonderful ladies at the check-in desk in Dallas let me get away with the 6 extra pounds over the allotted weight limit for free, but come on! They didn't have to massacre it! It even had a Heavy tag on it... I'm going to have to get new luggage before I go to the wedding!

The trip was so great though, the only thing that was upsetting was it rained most of my trip. I hadn't seen all of my family in over a year and it was so great to catch up! I love being with them and don't know how I made it so long without them seeing me. I actually can't wait to be going back in a few weeks for the wedding and I'm definitely not going to lose any sleep worrying about Alex. He honestly was a perfect angel the entire trip and I really don't remember him ever freaking out bad or even throwing a mini-fit. If it wasn't for John I probably would of never come back home! I love Dallas so much and we will be moving back there again, soon I hope.. even John is excited about making are way back there.