Thursday, September 18, 2008

6 Months Old

6 Months Old


I honestly can't believe that half of a year has gone by so quickly. I remember when Alex was just born and he was so tiny and needed so much help doing everything. Now he's this huge baby trying to do everything possible on his own, and trying to be "Mr. Independent" and getting frustrated when he can't get something done for himself. I feel like he's growing up so fast and if I don't capture every moment I'm going to forget all the important things he's learned. (That's probably why I've got like 500+ photos and like 10 or 11 videos of him)

I remember just building up to the day of him being here and all the hard work and stuff I went through in the delivery room! All I could think about was this was so painful, and I don't know how I kept my cool and didn't use vulgar language or try to kill anyone. Lol It was so worth it in the end, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Things Alex has accomplished in the last 6 months:

Alex has come so far in the last 6 months it is almost unreal. I remember when it was such a struggle for him to sleep just 3 or 4 hours at night and now I'm so lucky that he sleeps 12 hours! I don't even remember what it feels like to not to get a good nights rest any longer. (I remember begging for this day to come) He sleeps so well now, and still takes several wonderful naps.. I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to be honest with you.

He went from this^^

To that in a matter of me snapping a picture

He's rolling around so much, I can't turn my back for more than 2 seconds not to find him across the room getting into all kinds of things. I remember when tummy time was a struggle and Alex use to fight me after being on his stomach for more than 5 minutes. Now he's on his stomach all the time and I swear he's getting close to crawling, he tries so hard to reach his toys and starts to try to pull himself and then ends up rolling over. I know baby proofing was going to have to happen soon, but no this soon!

Sitting-up went from a distant dream to Alex wanting to sit up all day long if he could. Lying down and relaxing is only an option at nap time and I think if he could he would sleep sitting up. He's even started to try "scooting" around when I hold him on my lap. He wants to move so badly and I bet if he could he'd be running around the house by now. (Definitely not something I'm prepared or ready for just yet!!)

Babbling is a whole different story, I think once Alex realized he had a voice, he uses it as much as possible. It went from loud shrieks to him literally trying to mumble gibberish to himself. He's even said "da-da", and "hey" but I know he doesn't realize what he's saying and won't for a few more months. If was funny though, because while I was in Texas with Bubby she was playing with him and she got so excited and thought he's was saying his first words. I wish that was the case sometimes because then we could communicate a whole lot better. (I know what a few of your are thinking.. be patient because once they start they don't stop)

I received a ton of toys and rattles for Alex before he was born and I always thought they'd go to a waste. Well that was definitely not the case, if Alex isn't being preoccupied with something we have an issue. He loves anything he can hold onto to shake or pass from one hand to another. He can't get enough of his toys or anything he can reach out and grab (his toes which he just discovered), and makes sure if he can't reach it he finds a way to get it by either grabbing it himself or telling everyone around him he wants it.

Remember this photo?

Another fun thing for me was the whole teething experience. (completely being sarcastic) I remember being so frustrated and worried because I couldn't figure out for almost a week why Alex was so extremely fussy. I couldn't understand what I was doing wrong and tried to do my best to keep him happy and content. Well I'm glad that it wasn't me and it was teeth coming in, because I felt like I was at a total loss and was not doing the best I could to be a mom. I'm glad I can see the signs now and don't have to worry anymore. Funny thing is, he's teething again and I finally realized it a day or two after we got home. I wish I could have like a week or two of fussiness and then all the sudden he's got a whole set of teeth! But I'm not that lucky, and will unfortunately have to watch him suffer, thank goodness for Tylenol, Pedilite pops, and toys to chew on.

I think it's so much fun to look back on all the wonderful things I've got to experience with Alex so far. I know there are tons to come and I can't wait. I wish there was some kind of way I could slow down time a little bit because I feel like before long he's going to be walking and talking and then kindergarten! I completely feel for all of you mommies who have to send your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd off to school. John and I were just talking about it last night that once you have a child it's like time seems to pick up and really take off, I remember complaining about how days just use to linger and it took forever for the weekend to come.. not anymore.

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