Looks like Daddy wasn't making him to happy about taking all those pictures. LOL Happy to sad back to happy within 10 seconds. He was laughing and smiling and getting sad through the whole little experience. Funny how babies are!!
He LOVES his Pedilite popsicles on his sore gums :)
Alex's 1st tooth is starting to show and the 2nd is just right behind it, I can't wait until I get up one morning and get a huge smile with his teeth. I better glue both of my cameras to my hands! I don't want to miss a moment, I guess that's what happens with new moms they are just obsessed about everything!
You should see him with his new toy we bought him.. boy is that a laugh.
I hope to get the editing done as soon as I can (Family Reunion) and send everyone copies of it on a DVD and post it to the MAC Gallery.
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