Friday, September 5, 2008

Settling in

Ok so I know I should of posted a whole lot sooner, because I've been done unpacking for well over awhile now and have just been being lazy getting the cable and internet going. I've got to say I'm definitely NOT a fan of Provo, I hate how there's always traffic and that the college kids have no idea how to drive. But I do like that my ward is fabulous, we got a ton of help from the elders when we moved in. We did most of the work ourselves moving everything in the truck, and after we got half of it unpacked 10 guys show up helping us do everything! I also like the fact that while driving around I've found some pretty fun places to go check out. I think it will probably take me awhile to adjust, I'm just SO use to my big comfy house and all my accommodations in South Jordan and moving to a smaller place in a completely different area will take some getting use too.

Here's a big laugh though, I always complain how I have no clothes, no shoes and nothing to wear well I guess I need to just go into my closet every now and then. When we got to the new place the closet was nice, it's a pretty good size walk-in but I guess not big enough for me. Yes those are my clothes and shoes you see there, most (get how I said most that's not even all of them) of my clothes are on the right.. but I had to fall over onto John's side too. I'm pathetic, and I do admit that I'm a shoe & clothing addict. John thinks I need treatment, I'm starting to agree.

Alex's just laying around on his mattress rolling around and doing some big boy push ups here and there! He was probably the best part of our moving experience. He was so wonderful the entire time! He played with is toys, laughed and watched us do everything. He even lifted a few boxes, I was so shocked! hehe

This is him just hanging out in the high chair ordering us around on the porch where he wants his things to go. :)

Here is John and Alex passed out after a very long day of moving. They both just feel asleep like this and I thought I'd catch the moment. I love to see them together snuggling... makes me realize another reason I love being married and having something special to share with my other half.

I saw all the comments about the milk-coma and thought I'd share another picture after us moving in. He seems to do this on a daily basis after eating. And yes Mandy, he sleeps for a bout an hour or two like this! He usually burps himself and I wipe his face off and make sure there is no excess milk and cover him up and let him relax. Waking up is even funnier cause he usually is in the middle of the bed on his stomach and I start to hear him mumbling to himself in the "push up" position.

Oh and this is what Alex is capable of doing now. I thought I had it bad when he was rolling. Now he's rolling over while he's buckled into his changing table. I literally turn around to grab diapers and within 5 seconds he's doing this. Gosh.. what's next!

Next on the agenda! WHO IS READY FOR HALLOWEEN!! WOO HOO!! I am I am! John and I are Halloween fanatics!! I never told anyone about last years Halloween.. but here are a few pictures. We won "Best Haunted House" in Daybreak (our old community) and we are gonna try to in our new place this year! Lets just put it this way, you know those people who go all out for Christmas and do all kinds of crazy fun things.. that's us but we do it for Halloween!

It looks a little crazy and out of order but we got in all perfect before the kids showed. Man, did John lovveeee scaring the kids, you should of seen his costume. Who doesn't love Leather Face? hehehe.... Halloween is going to be EVEN better this year cause we have TONS of decorations and I get to dress up Alex. I already have his costume picked out. You guys are gonna get a real laugh out of it.

Lastly, the BIG NEWS. Well... everyone has been asking me if I'm pregnant. Well... it's true I am!! Lol, no no no just kidding. (Sorry Bubby.. I'm not trying to give you a heart attack or anything) I've still got a little bit of time before I have another baby running around in diapers. But I got a huge surprise from my family!

Anyways, nothing to exciting and crazy going on in the Ferguson home.. just wanted to give everyone a heads up on how things were going in the new place. I probably won't be blogging while I'm in Dallas but I'll probably have this HUGE post once I get home!

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