Alex is now crawling, he doesn't do it all the time but when he wants something or us he's gotten down the motions enough to get to what he wants. He's also learned to finally sit up on his own, which actually happened this weekend and shocked me to death. Alex feels that he can get somewhere faster if he rolls and only likes to crawl if it's completely necessary. As stupid as it sounds it's true and he rolled over into our dining room the other day and all the sudden John says he's sitting up on his own. I didn't think much until I realized John never got up to help him! I was so shocked I couldn't believe it, next is standing and walking!
And yes can you believe size 5! I've NEVER had blow-outs with Alex, I know some babies you can't help but I always just changed diaper sizes when it looked like anything close to that. Well he's been having a few lately and I guess I haven't realized how big he is! Libbie weighed him at her house and she said he weighed 26 pounds, but when I weighed him twice at friends houses it was closer to 27 1/2! I guess we'll see when we go to his check up coming up here soon. Gosh and the 12 months clothes I bought not to long ago are already starting to get tight! I can't believe we're ready for 18 months here soon! I'm so shocked, I never would of thought I'd have THIS big of a baby! And talking about size.. Alex can barely fit in his car seat. Yep.. so much for that extra possible 4 months or so. Nope, he's way to long and I have no slack left for the belts to loosen. I'm kinda of irritated about the fact that the car seats are as much as I paid for my Travel System. But the upside is he'll last a year or two or even more *crosses fingers* than the car seat I have. The last month or two we've been doing the "big boy" tub and showers with dad. Those baby tubs irritate Alex so bad, he's so uncomfortable! So we started to carefully do the "big boy" tub and make sure to watch him carefully because although he sits-up with no problems and for long periods of time I'm still scared to death he's going to drowned or something. It's probably been the main reason I haven't blogged because I worry grabbing the camera might be that few seconds something might happen.
He's become such a little character too, he's always smiling and laughing and I love that he's so ticklish. He's so active, but still sleeps amazing well and loves his 3 naps a day. If he doesn't get his naps that days are tougher and he gets more clingy. I've also noticed all the smaller toys he plays with aren't as fun as the bigger ones. I bought a few that I found on sale and he seems to be much more entertained than the rattles and plush animals. Oh and the computer is still one of his favorites, but since I got a new phone he watches TV on my cell. The LG Dare has SO many awesome features, but the whole TV thing is great because he loves to watch the toddler shows and even though it's a short fix sometimes 5 minutes is heaven. I just hope after his 6th tooth cuts, I'll get a little bit of a break. I'm very jealous of all of you moms that got to have a few relaxing months of no teeth.
I never really realized how much time a child really can take up in your life. I'm always doing or thinking about something to do for Alex. It amazes me! He eats actual solids up to four times a day and always wants to try what I'm eating. He wants to be the main attention when we are out to eat and loves to sit in the high chair and bang silverware on the table. I keep thinking things are gong to get easier but I'm starting to realize I still have a few more years. I think his first word is coming... and I'm getting thrilled for a little communication!
Now that I look back I didn't mean my post to be this long but I guess I couldn't help talking about how fun Alex has been. I just wish it wasn't going by so fast.. or if I could rewind a little! I guess I need to blog more so I don't go on and on about things I've been forgetting to talk about.
I'm getting the fall/winter pictures this week and I promise to post them. I actually got to see them all and they came out amazing. Thank you so much Lindsey you were amazing!
Oh and did I mention I'm entering him in a Gerber Baby contest? I've gotten it so much that he looks like a Gerber baby I thought I'd enter him and see what happens. I thought it'd be fun since he's such a cutie.
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