Thursday, June 18, 2009

My little talker.

I told you I'd pop in from time to time, I know it's been a hard few days but here I am!

Ok so I've finally done it everyone! I've learned how to interpret the gibberish, and holy cow who would of known? Alex sure is talking and I was worried he wasn't! The kid has to say at least like 25+ or so words and as little talks with the dog and I daily. I really think he thinks Lady is another toddler and will respond back to her like I do. Cute little thing.

Mr. Mischievous

I heard him say about 6 things in about 2 minutes, does it just magically start? Because man the kid was just talking on and on lately and half the words I got and the other I haven't quite figured out. I mean he was like literally talking my ear off! He said yes, please, why, yum, more, and thank you! He's also gotten out of the "shy" stage and tells everyone hi. I hated that stage although it didn't last long and I hope it doesn't come back. He also doesn't seem to be clingy much anymore and that is the HARDEST part of this age and I'm so glad it's dwindling. I think it helps having a nanny, him being around other kids and going out to lots of places! Alex has also started making his own decisions and telling me what he wants.. seriously I thought I had a few more months or YEARS before that started! He's so funny though.. you gotta see it to believe it!

He's also picked up trying to swim sort of? He likes to flop around in the water and put his face under? Literally scared the pants off of me the first time, but he thinks it's fun and he gets the concept to hold his breath. Where does he learn these things.. Sprout?

Lady with her ears cropped

Lady is getting huge, this isn't to much of a recent picture but man she's big! I can't imagine her 70 pounds in a year or so!

Other than that you will all know me as a famous star here soon! lol I won't get into it TOO much, but lets just say I'll be doing some fun stuff in the next few weeks! By the way, my blog is almost ready.. I'll post on Monday the blog address, it's my temporary blog until my website is up!

Sorry this isn't long and exciting but I didn't want you all to think I'd forgotten you guys! Oh and sorry for the bad images, I can't ever seem to take fun pictures of those two when I have my camera out.

We're in the middle of moving officially... pray for me.


  1. I can't wait to see pictures of your new place. I know that moving is a huge pain but I'm excited for you. I also can't wait to see you all in August so I can hear this talking firsthand!

    That picture of Alex at the top of the stairs cracks me up. Where do they learn that being naughty is hilarious?? Mads is the same way.

  2. how fun that alex can talk!! and yes, i did miss you and glad you are back to blogging. and p.s. i can't wait for you to become famous.

  3. What is up with the Frogger pose in the pathroom? It looks like my son is trying to swim in a


  4. good luck with the move! and i think kids just all of a sudden start talking. once they get it, they just run with it. it's so fun to hear!

  5. You have my curiosity peeked! I can't wait to see your famous side!

    Glad you popped in! Good luck with your move!

  6. the tub pic is precious!! i love baby buns!
