Date: 2008-06-06
Well where to I begin? Well my birthday was great, I had the man of my dreams to spend it with and a little boy who couldn't make me happier. Then Sunday we had Alex's baby blessing which was so beautiful I thought. I always saw people have theirs and just thought "Oh that was very sweet" but when it came to my son I almost cried. John did such a beautiful job and I was so happy and excited all at the same time. And for the first time ever I bore my testimony. I've never really been able to do it because unlike John I get extremely nervous in front of 20+ people, but I thought that day was a better day than any other. I got up there had exactly what I was going to say all ready and I could only get out a sentence. I was more worried about fainting than say my little speech. Oh well I always have next time, and everyone tells me your testimony gets better with practice. Anyways Alex was so sweet and peaceful the whole day and after church everyone went back to our house to eat and then when they left to go home John, Alex and I all snuggled in bed together and took a pretty nice nap. It was almost the most peaceful day we'd had together in awhile.
I'm glad to say I finished my temple prep classes! We went through it so quickly, that and I already knew a lot of things from quizzing John over the last few years. My teacher was such a wonderful man, his wife and him were such nice people welcoming us in their home and I never thought I'd feel so happy to have him teaching me. I wish he could be truly part of my family and I could see him often. So I'm SO excited that I'll be taking out my endowments in the next few weeks. I really can't wait to do something I've been waiting to do ever since I converted. I've got so many questions and so much running through my head I feel like I can't wait a few weeks! lol I think the only difficult thing I'll have is transitioning to the garments. I know it's a little awkward but I think I'll manage, especially knowing I get to buy new clothes to start a new wardrobe! hehe
I think I've decided to get sealed at the Manti temple, It's not a dead set decision but I hear so highly of it, it's beautiful and they do the endowment ceremony with actual people! Interesting! I found a dress that I like, have a photographer and I don't really know if I want a reception or not but the only thing left is a date. Now don't worry any of you who think I'm going to spring it on you! I'll let everyone know a few months in advance and whoever wants to attend can make plans. I'm hoping for a nice fall sealing.. but we'll see. I can't wait until it happens though.. I hate waiting. Anyone have any suggestions on other temples? I'd love to get advice since I haven't been inside any yet. Here's what Manti temple looks like:
Well.. the nights with Alex have gotten a lot better, he's learning to sleep more at night but he's always awake during the day.. meaning I can't get anything done! Oh and we are almost sure he's teething. Very few babies do before 3 months but my luck he's one of those babies! He seems to be having a little of a tough time and gets fussy every now and then but overall he's a little champ! Oh and he's gotten over his bronchitis! He handled that great too, I couldn't ask for a better baby.
So I've been reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, I'm completely sucked in! I read the first book in like almost 3 days! Every minute I had I read! Gosh!! I can't wait for the movie!
Anyhow, it's late and I should probably think about getting some sleep I've got a busy day tomorrow! I hope the weather stays somewhat nice and hopefully it gets better this month! I can't wait for all the festivals to start! I love the state fairs and fun events around here it's something to look forward to!
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