Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunny Days..

So I've learned my lesson, if I do like 5 pre-written post I get lazy and forget that sooner or later I'm going to run out and have to play catch up all over again. Hey I've got a kinda crazy life right now and when I do get the hour or two to edit photos and get some post written I have to take advantage of it. I've been trying to get things ready for the two big weekend trips we have coming up. One to Idaho to pick up our puppy and spend time with the Adam & Mandy (I'm so excited to take pictures of all these cute kiddos!!) and then to Cali to go to Candi's wedding and spend time with the family. Don't ask how I'm going to juggle all this with a new puppy, dealing with my car issues which I don't even want to talk about (thank whoever invented warranties) and buying another car. Sheesssh makes you want to take a vacation just thinking about all of that!

And about the time, I'm never up this early to write a post.. I mean never. I always get to sleep in and enjoy waking up before my son. But lately because I've been feeling like the gum on the bottom of someone's shoe I'm always up before both my boys reading or doing computer stuff. bleh.

Anyways John and I took Alex to the park near our house for a fun little family outing. I was excited to get some fun pictures of him and let him roam around and enjoy himself.

At first I don't think he really knew what to think and about 5 minutes into it he realized he had free range to run around and jump and do all kinds of fun things! He really enjoyed trying to play with other kids who were actually kind of surprised themselves that he just jumped in and started "hanging out" with them.

One thing he hated... was the grass. The few times he fell he started to get so upset because standing up was such a challenge. I wish I would of got video of him because he hated touching the grass. He kept saying "ew" and looking at us like "Hello are you going to help me up?" Every time he turned to get up he'd get this look and put his hands up.

Despite this picture he LOVED the swing, he'd been on a swing when he was a little younger and enjoyed it so much! I was so excited to see him on this but the first few minutes I think he was terrified. After John made him laugh a few times he was roaring to go and man did that kid want to be swung high. He keep laughing.. I love the stage where they get those full belly laugh and can't stop!

He also tried to run around like a big kid trying to play on all the big play sets the park had. Unfortunately there were so many people there we didn't let him. I was to worried one of the kids would accidentally run into and he'd fall and a disaster would start. But we did let him play on the slide which was a bunch of fun keep saying "more more"! It's funny some days he's talking away I can't keep him quite and other time I can't get him to tell me a thing. I guess babies just do what they want when they.

I was considering buying him one of those little bikes that you push because he kept running after this little girl.. he was having so much fun with these dots too! I don't know what it was but he was having a blast. I think next time we go to the park we're taking the dog, our portable grill and some blankets and making a day of it. Oh and did you know they came out with this AWESOME high chair that's portable for camping and stuff! I'm so excited to get one! (Not that we will be going camping or anything.)

Here he is; buster brown eating his oatmeal by himself he insists to fed himself and as much as a mess it looks to be he's gotten better since I took this picture. He's so independent, and surprising as this might be he might be ready for potty training lessons here soon! Yippee!

Well don't forget about my little giveaway that ends in a few days.. I haven't had much time to do any blogging but I can't wait to pick someone! I also wanted to inform everyone that our Sealing Date has been announced and invites will be going out after we come back from California. August 1, 2009 is the date, John picked it because he feels the stars have aligned for us to get sealed that Saturday our wedding anniversary. Lucky us huh? Any of you that know you can't come for sure or are on the maybe--closer to yes PLEASE email me. I'm getting an early head count to work with the caterer.. bleh. I have future posts planned to talk about my dress and things. Everything I think is almost finalized and I feel somewhat relieved I was a big ball of stress for a minute there!


  1. That looks like a very fun outing at the park. You little boy is so cute. I love that picture of him on the slide with his legs doing the splits as if he could will them to hang on for him.

    Kai will just be finishing a 60 miler on August first . . .I think it ends somewhere in Kamas, Utah. I think it is important not to miss family weddings . . . so I am going to try to figure out how to get there . . . I am very excited for you.

  2. I told Adam to put the date into his phone today so hopefully nothing crucial comes up between now and then! We are planning to come unless a bishop related crisis pops up.

    I LOVE Alex's grass face. So cute!

  3. i wish i could come to the sealing! but seeing as how i will be about 8 days away from having a baby boy, it probably wouldn't be allowed by my dr or the airlines:( i'm sorry i have to miss it. but i am excited to see you at candi's wedding. me and little boo are making the trip out a week from tomorrow. should be fun!

  4. You are always catching the most adorable pictures of your little boo boo.

    I love to look at your blog, just to see what cute faces he'll make next!!

  5. ha, ha, the slide picture is my fave! So funny! And yes, Crew would LOVE to have his picture taken! Thank you, we'd LOVE to add to your baby portfolio :) We're selfish that way :)
