Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Movin' and Grovin'

I have had a serious eventful weekend the last few weeks, it all starts with Friday night and us going out to eat somewhere super yummy. I love going out to eat because I feel like I can relax and don't have to worry about what to cook, clean up and finding room in the fridge for leftovers that we'll probably never eat. (We're not leftover kind of people, even if it's amazing.) I love taking Alex with us most of the time because he loves to start a conversation with people and eats his own little meals. It's so much fun to have him eat with us now cause all I have to do is have him eat a small portion of our food and he hasn't complained yet!

John and I woke up Saturday and actually got to sleep in until 10, I personally thought it was SO nice that we woke up before Alex who slept so hard I swear you could hear him snore. We got up and dressed and started the day with getting my car detailed which the poor thing seriously needed! And then after started looking at a few car dealerships for a new car for our family. It's a hard process because we're looking for a specific kind of car that will fit our needs and for our future! We're still looking and the good thing is that we aren't rushed on another car.

We then spent the rest of the day shopping for me, I haven't seriously bought a good amount of new clothes for awhile for myself. Not that I need clothes, you should come visit sometimes I could give you a tour of how I've started to take over our huge master closet. But I felt that I needed a few new thing, and when I shop I refuse to not spend good money for good quality. I'm not of fan buying clothes from stores that I know it'll fall apart and I'm a pretty picky shopper to be honest. But I got a few great things and I think it's a great start for Spring until I can find other stuff. (I always seem to pick something up from time to time somewhere, but I don't consider that shopping!)

We then went out to dinner at Magleby's which is always delicious and I enjoyed a sandwich and salad which I was shocked on how great it was. Alex is learning how to get out of the high chair now and must be securely strapped and that goes for the same with the stroller. The kid is a master escape artist in the making and seriously can get in/out of everything. I haven't even taken a picture of what my house looks like when he opens all the cabinets and drawers and tear them apart. We also bought a new camera, actually John's camera. We almost had a disaster with mine, and to make a long story short he's going to stick with the simple point-and-shoot cameras. We haven't even used it yet! But I'm sure we will since I won't want to lug mine everywhere!

Speaking of cameras I think when I start school I will be way more than prepared. I'm looking for more supplies for my camera and have a lens and flash I'm dying for. I feel like I'm obsessed with taking pictures. I guess it's better than other things I could be doing with my time??

I'm in the midst of also looking for another computer, don't get me wrong both my desktop and laptop are fabulous but I think it's time I get a nicer laptop for myself. John usually works on our laptop the most and I'm obsessed with the iMac because of the 24 inch display. But I want a big laptop with a good size screen, and I can't decide whether I will wait until I start school or not for a Macbook Pro. They're so nice and sleek and would make my life easier since computer time is limited to me upstairs while Alex tears our room and bathroom up. But I guess time will only tell and if I find a good deal I might have to snag it. I realized one thing though, even though John and I can share we'd rather not.

Other than that I finished Alex's Birthday invitations and I'm getting them mailed out finally! I've had BAD luck with the post office and I just hope it gets better now. I also realized a little to late that I should of had a printing service print these because Fedex Kinko's was horrible and me doing it on my own wasn't much better. I'm still considering whether or not to throw 2 different parties for him, one with our neighbors and one with the family but I just don't know if I've got room at my place for all my wonderful friends!

Changing it to a JPG has distorted the image a little

Alex is walking all over the place, he is determined to walk away while we change him and church is a whole new story. He's SO friendly and loves to play with other children. I'm glad that he's social and loves kids but man he won't stay with us for anything! We have to walk around the church during sacrament and then he usually falls out for an hour or so! He enjoys trying to tell me new things, while I try to decipher what his "new words" are. He's still growing so much and I almost feel like he'll be in 2T exclusively here soon. YIKES! He seems to be staying true to form and just like John when he was growing, get chunky and grow a few inches, slim out and then get chunky and so on. Everyone is mistaking him for 18 months and keeps telling me how big he is. I still have to say I am so glad I don't have to carry him as much anymore! Oh and Alex has got 2 MORE teeth coming in, I remember saying something about seeing how many we could have appear before he turned 1! That makes 14!

This is what Alex does when I go out to the mailbox across the street, he always tries to open the door but he's not quite tall enough so he stick his face up to the window.. so cute.

1 comment:

  1. Such cute skirts! I bet they are adorable on. Where do you shop?? I haven't been anywhere (other than Target!) in forever. Alex's invitation is adorable and that picture of his sweet little smashed nose cracks me up.
