Sunday, April 26, 2009

Back on track

So now that we're techinically all caught up.. I'd thought I'd talk more about my son because I don't already do that enough you know? Alex is growing and doing so much more I could tell you he's doing something new everyday if I had enough time to blog! I was worried all that traveling and going places would mess him up (because that's typical right?) No.. not this kid he's stuck on a schedule and won't budge.

Alex has decided he wants to dance anytime he hears music come on, whether it be country, hip-hop, classical.. whatever. Why you might ask? I have no idea but there is a funny story to go along with this. I wish I had a picture of him IN CHURCH.. yes. Singing and dancing as the organ is going and we're all singing, it was priceless and I'm not going to lie I laughed and smiled all at once. In general it's cute but in Church was kind of surprising.. the kids just likes to jam I guess. I really need to catch it on video.

He throws his baby soccer ball to us and around the house along with other objects.. I think once we move we'll be hanging our TV to be safe. It's cute to see him with it though and I think secretly it make John excited for sports here in a few years. The kid could play with that ball all day if we let him.

He's also discovered the disgusting toilet, I'm pretty good at keeping almost all the doors shut and seats down but John forgets sometimes. He's already had two incidents with "playing" with the toilet water and thankfully it was right after the maid came. But he still got a bath and scrubbed down because that's just gross.

One of the not proud moments that he also found a hidden pacifier.

I never thought this would happen either, ya know cause my kids a perfect little angel and all. He has unrolled almost an entire roll and carries and rips up toilet paper all over the house. I know for sure he'll be a pro-toilet house wrapper like his father in the future.

Here he is blowing me a kiss!

I leave you with this, the boy who can entertain himself and make himself laugh over something silly. The end shows what I catch him doing when he's trying to find something he's hidden..sly little boy lol.

**Please all the misc junk everywhere.. it was right before I had the house cleaned.

John wants me to add in there that the blogger upload doesn't do our camcorder justice. It's makes the videos look like crap.. those weren't his exact quotes but you get the idea.

Everyone wants updates on our Sealing and I promise in a future post I will talk about it.. I'm still trying to work fine details out!


  1. Love Alex's little laugh. He is just plain adorable . . .but you knew that:)

  2. That video is so cute! He cracks himself up!!

  3. ok, so there was this research study done on toilet germs vs. germs on a water fountain... and guess what? less germs on toilets because they get flushed all the time, washing away germs... dont worry too much, he is building a strong immune system!

  4. I love that video! His little laugh is so fun and I love that he is entertaining himself--even if some of the things he finds fun are a little gross/messy. Mads loves toilet paper and plungers. I am constantly shutting all our bathroom doors.
