Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh we're doing it.

More wonderful pre-blogged posts, told you guys I wasn't going to leave ya hanging while I was gone! Well it finally true we're getting Alexander's and John gift, a doberman puppy. I am actually super excited, I know that state of mind will disappear after I get to potty train and have another baby running around the house and destroying the place. But to be honest I'd rather have a puppy now that can destroy my townhouse (not my future home...) and enjoy the excitement Alex will get.

As we all know Alex LOVES dogs and can't wait.. we can't either. She will be ready in May to be picked up and was born last week on the 26th. We can't wait to have her as a part of of our growing family!! One of the little black ones is ours! And we're so lucky cause the lady lives right by Adam & Mandy so we can take a mini vacation and visit them too!!

Speaking of Alex, he has decided to start surprising us once again with fun new things. I've seem to notice more and more and I can't believe how he picks up on things so fast, I didn't know they're so smart at this age! It's like almost night and day from just 6 months ago! He's started to "blow kisses" with his hands when we say "Blow us a kiss!", which is even cuter than him giving us kisses. He seems to mimic us in everything we do, he likes to try and wipe his mouth and blow on his food (manners already! lucky me!) and he's really starting to point things out when we talk about specific things. He's talking more and more and telling all kinds of things and actually said his name the other day, he's a total chatter box and can sure talk your head off. But I think my favorite is he covers his eyes to play peek-a-boo, boy how the time has seriously flown by. He's already almost 13 months.. and I promised myself I'd give up the monthly updates of new things since now you can obviously see they're so many now!

He's also taken it upon himself to maneuver himself out of his stroller, car seat, and highchair. Don't ask me how he hasn't broken his neck yet but he does it OFTEN. The kid is sneaky too. I never realized why they had those stupid buckles on high chair and strollers... well now I do, I seem to seriously be kicking myself lately. The kid will do anything to just let us walk him around, if he walked as fast as us we'd let him!

But other than that we honestly can't wait to get a puppy, we're so excited to see Alex's face! Wouldn't you want one too?!? And I'm getting my butt in bed because I have a plane to catch tomorrow, I have a few more posts to keep you ready and waiting for my post about Texas!


  1. you are brave to get a puppy! i must not be a dog person because i think it would push me over the edge. i wish you luck:) sorry we couldn't get together. love sick kids!

  2. I have to admit that puppies are cute. It is a good thing that I can don't like them once they are grown or I'd probably do something crazy and buy one. Have a safe trip home!

  3. getting a puppy??? Wow... just the thought exhausts me, little guys sure look cute though, can't wait to see the pics, what are you going to name it? Watch out 13 months is a big one!!! Ryley had to be moved to the toddler bed at 13 months because he learned how to climb out of the crib and I couldn't sleep because I was so worried that he would try to get out and get hurt. It wasn't easy to keep him in bed, but after a lot of putting him back he finally got it. Thanks for the update! We will be visiting end of June through 4th of July prolly I'll get back to you. Take care!

  4. i love puppies & kids!!! you are going to be busy...
