Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Things.

With Alex's birthday, homework and running errands before my big trip to Dallas (Which btw I'm probably on an airplane right now!!) I haven't had a chance to talk about all the new things Alex is doing! He still the 100% percentile in everything the doctor said, which is still no surprise.. I just want to know how much longer that will that! Funny thing is he's wearing 18-24 months and sometimes 2T and I can't figure out why his bum and legs are so chunky! I can't even think about get 12-18 months on the kid!

-Pointing and saying mine
-Trying to take off diaper and run around house (not a fun one)
-Stills sleeps amazingly well 830-930 or 10 am and a long 3 hour nap, boy I'm lucky.
-Trying to do summersaults (no idea where that came from)
-When I Shh him he puts his hand over his mouth
-Loves to be tickled especially his belly button and feet!
-Saying a bunch of new things "is this"(what is this), baby, no-no (all time favorite around our home), oh, wow, and yum-yum
-No longer walks but rather runs
-Inspect his food when we give him something to eat (kind of a smart eater, I wouldn't eat anything if I didn't know what it was)
-Is a definite fish lover (crab lover.. expensive taste!)
-Loves to play hide and go seek
-Has become a "tornado" when left alone, meaning when I come back to a clean room it's been destroyed in a matter of 5.34643 seconds
-Gives a huge happy almost over exaggerated smile when I say cheese and have the camera out
-Going through random growth spurts growing 2 inches at a time
-Has 16th teeth including top and bottom fronts, all canines and 4 molars.. geez.
-Likes to jump up and down when happy (dance as we call it)
-Gives me a kiss when I ask for one
-Almost off the bottles, and loves his straw cups
-Loves Backyardigans and Elmo

I know I am forgettng a TON of things, but this is what I come up with when I'm up at 2 am pre-blogged post and my son is sound asleep.

Extremely dirty but too cute not to show off!

I am so glad things are getting more fun, I really enjoy dressing him up now and buying him tons of shoes that I know won't last past 18 months! But how much long until nursery?!!? I can't wait to go to church and not have to walk around on my week of having Alex in RS! He's great for dad but when he's with me the kid just wants to walk around and play with the other kids!

I just got the photos from McKenzie of Monday night and I promise to post them when I get back from Dallas! They might be on my facebook first!


  1. He is such a sweet boy. I hope he stays sweet for you in Texas!

    Mads is going to nursery now and I've got to admit that I'm having separation anxiety. She loves it but I miss following her around. Now I actually have to sit and listen.

  2. i loved those pics you had taken of him! so cute. i hope the flight goes well. call me when you get to houston!
