Friday, April 3, 2009

Who needs a maid?

So I probably need to say the following, I am a spoiled wife. My husband loves me so much that he gets a maid to help clean up our house. I know it's ridiculous because I am a stay at home mother and what else do I have to do other than take care of my 1 year old? Well since my major car accident in '04 I've never been the same and after having Alex I've slowly declined. We're looking at our options for surgery and running tests. I actually had to have two rounds of ESI (Epidural Steroid Injections) to relieve the inflammation because it's that bad before the can do the major procedures. (Which so far hasn't worked!) So I guess I'm blessed to have a man who loves me enough to not let me suffer and get some help.

But I told him we might not need one here soon since I've got someone who's a fast learner, and would rather me pay with yogurt drops than cash.

And this folks is Alex's best friend and when I mean best it's true at the age of 1 you can have a best friend. This is Patrice's son Issac who is about 2 months older than Alex and boy they're hilarious together. They always seem to not bother us unless it's a complete emergency (ie. diaper change, meal time, or bottle) and they play so well together. Especially now cause Alex has been walking for awhile they chase each other around the house!


  1. such a cute picture of alex! i hope you start getting better so you can travel out here to come visit!

  2. Wow, two maids . . .some girls have all the luck. Now you just need to teach ALex how to cook . . .
    I loved reading all those cute milestones . . . what a cutie!

  3. Sign me up for one of those! I'd love to have Alex come and clean my floors--I hate to vaccuum!
