Friday, April 10, 2009

Totally a Toddler now..

My son is growing up so fast I have to honestly catch every moment or I feel as if I'm going to miss it for the rest of my life. I can't help but get his pictures done all the time and I hope soon I'll be the one taking them professionally. He's such a little poser and seriously loves the camera. Cameras, fans, and cell phones. I think I'll be investing a little more into "distraction" toys for the future.

These first set of photos are my favorite, ok wait they ALL were my favorite but I love this outfit that I searched high and low for and put together myself. I went on a man hunt to make it work out and really enjoyed how he took to McKenzie!

Always sticking his tongue out at someone!

Even though he's now technically a toddler, he's definitely not to old to play "so big"

One of my all time favorites, how she captured this picture just amazes me

Still my little chunk

This was the second set of pictures that we did, I didn't realize I was suppose to bring another set of clothes, but did "just in case" something happened to the first. Luckily I did because I got more picture, the only down side is that the shirt was a little big.. 2T and 18-24 months can be a real difference. GRR Baby Gap get you're sorting in order, just kidding he still looks like a stud!

Even though his clothes look like they're practically eating him.. I love the location!

He gets so giggly when you try and chase him and tell him "I'm gonna get you" this is another favorite from the bunch

Still the typical face around the house and in a lot of these photos! There is a story behind this face that goes back wayyyy before he was even thought of

The last of the bnch in the studio, I had to have a cake to let him play with and snag a few photos of. Lets just say it resulted in him hating me for smooching it in his face because he couldn't make a decision whether or not it was edible. I really thought after doing that it'd be a deal breaker for him even looking at his cake at his party. Luckily I was wrong.

Seriously wondering why the heck that thing is in front of him

Loved the candle until he realized it was not something he could eat, then he got mad and threw it!

The end of the shot, about over an hour in and completely over it. Ready for a nap and bottle!

Well I feel in love with Alex's photo shot! i am so not joking he's a complete adorable chunk and I can't believe how much older he keeps looking! I compare all his shots and it amazes me how fast and much he's growing up! McKenzie captured exactly what I wanted and I am SO glad she's such a wonderful photographer. I honestly aspire to be as great as people like her, she actually did everything she could to make it so much fun!

Well this is the last of them folks, I stretched these out as far as I could and right now I'm in Arizona after a long flight form Dallas and a 10 hour drive here! I am SO lucky to have such an amazing mother in law who is babysitting my son to give John and I some time alone to not only do work BUT also play. I owe her and my father in law my left arm and leg for doing this at the last minute and being such great grandparents! I am SO EXCITED to go on a road trip with my husband and spend some quality time together.. this will be the first time with no baby! And I know I'll be missing him so much!

Lets just say I've had a busy/crazy vacation and I know it's not the last for this year or summer.


  1. Such a cutie! I can't wait to hear all about TX and AZ. Have a great time.

  2. I LOVE the last shot! What a sweet squishy face!! Love ya.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I meant to put. I think I always say so cute, but it's true!! He's cute!

  5. i love those pics! what a great job that photographer did! so perfect of him. love it!

  6. I love those shots, even the last one with his pouty face is adorable! I am sure you will be as good as Mckenzie!

    Hope you guys are having fun!
